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第51章 陀螺与球 The Top and Ball

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《陀螺与球》,1844 年

the top and ball, 1844


A whipping top and a little ball lay together in a box, among other toys, and the top said to the ball, “Shall we be married, as we live in the simple box?”


but the ball, which wore a dress of morocco leather, and thought as much of herself as any other young lady, would not even condescend to reply.


the next day came the little boy to whom the playthings belonged, and he painted the top red and yellow, and drove a brass-headed nail into the middle, so that while the top was spinning round it looked splendid.

“看看我。” 陀螺对球说。

“Look at me,” said the top to the ball.





“what do you say now?

Shall we be engaged to each other?

we should suit so well; you spring, and I dance.

No one could be happier than we should be.”



“Indeed! do you think so?

perhaps you do not know that my father and mother were morocco slippers, and that I have a Spanish cork in my body.”

“是的;但我是用桃花心木做的。” 陀螺说。

“Yes; but I am made of mahogany,” said the top.



“the major himself turned me.

he has a turning lathe of his own, and it is a great amusement to him.”



“can I believe it?”

asked the ball.

“如果我没说实话,就让我再也转不起来吧。” 陀螺说。

“may I never be whipped again,” said the top, “if I am not telling you the truth.”

“你确实很会为自己说话。” 球说;“但我不能接受你的求婚。


“You certainly know how to speak for yourself very well,” said the ball; “but I cannot accept your proposal.

I am almost engaged to a swallow.


Every time I fly up in the air, he puts his head out of the nest, and says, ‘will you?’ and I have said, ‘Yes,’ to myself silently, and that is as good as being half engaged; but I will promise never to forget you.”

“这对我可没什么好处。” 陀螺说;之后它们就再也没和对方说过话。

“much good that will be to me,” said the top; and they spoke to each other no more.


Next day the ball was taken out by the boy.


the top saw it flying high in the air, like a bird, till it would go quite out of sight.


Each time it came back, as it touched the earth, it gave a higher leap than before, either because it longed to fly upwards, or from having a Spanish cork in its body.


but the ninth time it rose in the air, it remained away, and did not return.


the boy searched everywhere for it, but he searched in vain, for it could not be found; it was gone.

“我很清楚她在哪儿。” 陀螺叹着气说;“她在燕子窝里,已经和燕子结婚了。”

“I know very well where she is,” sighed the top; “she is in the swallow’s nest, and has married the swallow.”


the more the top thought of this, the more he longed for the ball.


his love increased the more, just because he could not get her; and that she should have been won by another, was the worst of all.


the top still twirled about and hummed, but he continued to think of the ball; and the more he thought of her, the more beautiful she seemed to her fancy.


thus several years passed by, and his love became quite old.


the top, also, was no longer young; but there came a day when he looked handsomer than ever; for he was gilded all over.


he was now a golden top, and whirled and danced about till he hummed quite loud, and was something worth looking at; but one day he leaped too high, and then he, also, was gone.


they searched everywhere, even in the cellar, but he was nowhere to be found.


where could he be?


he had jumped into the dust-bin, where all sorts of rubbish were lying: cabbage-stalks, dust, and rain-droppings that had fallen down from the gutter under the roof.

“现在我待在一个好地方了,” 他说,“我身上的镀金很快就会在这里被冲掉的。

哦,天哪,我身边都是些什么乱七八糟的东西呀!” 然后他瞥了一眼一个奇怪的圆东西,像个烂苹果,它就躺在一根又长又没叶子的卷心菜梗旁边。

“Now I am in a nice place,” said he; “my gilding will soon be washed off here.

oh dear, what a set of rabble I have got amongst!” And then he glanced at a curious round thing like an old apple, which lay near a long, leafless cabbage-stalk.


It was, however, not an apple, but an old ball, which had lain for years in the gutter, and was soaked through with water.

“谢天谢地,来了一个和我同类的,我可以和它聊聊了。” 球边说边打量着这个镀金的陀螺。

“thank goodness, here es one of my own class, with whom I can talk,” said the ball, examining the gilded top.

“我是用摩洛哥皮革做的。” 她说。

“I am made of morocco,” she said.




“I was sewn together by a young lady, and I have a Spanish cork in my body; but no one would think it, to look at me now.

I was once engaged to a swallow; but I fell in here from the gutter under the roof, and I have lain here more than five years, and have been thoroughly drenched.

believe me, it is a long time for a young maiden.”


the top said nothing, but he thought of his old love; and the more she said, the more clear it bees to him that this was the same ball.


the servant then came to clean out the dust-bin.

“啊,” 她叫道,“这儿有个镀金的陀螺。”

“Ah,” she exclaimed, “here is a gilt top.”


So the top was brought again to notice and honor, but nothing more was heard of the little ball.


he spoke not a word about his old love; for that soon died away.


when the beloved object has lain for five years in a gutter, and has been drenched through, no one cares to know her again on meeting her in a dust-bin.

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