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大家在看疯批小师叔她五行缺德 逼我下乡?科研军嫂搬空你全家 极品老师 让你契约鬼,你契约钟馗? 爹爹开门,我带剧本来救全家了 宝宝,乖,他低哑诱哄 穿越农家,科举为上 海贼之绝巅霸气 仙路九万万里 团宠之蒋家小女会仙法 
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第99章 《苏东坡传》片段

one might say that Su tungpo was an incorrigible optimist, a great humanitarian, a friend of the people, a prose master, an original painter, a great calligraphist, an experimenter in wine making, an engineer, a hater of puritanism, a yogi, a buddhist believer, a confucian statesman, a secretary to the emperor, a confirmed winebibber, a humane judge, a dissenter in politics, a prowler in the moonlight, a poet, and a wag.


2 I can perhaps best sum it up by saying that the mention of Su tungpo always elicits an affectionate and warm admiring smile in china.


3 the poems and essays he wrote on the inspiration of the moment or in criticism of something he disliked were the natural outpourings of his heart instinctive and impetuous, like“the bird’s song in spring and the cricket's chirp in autumn”, as he put it once; or again they may be likened to the“cries of monkeys in the jungle or of the storks in high heaven, unaware of the human listeners below”.


4 Always deeply involved in politics, he was always greater than politics. without guile and without purpose, he went along singing, posing, and criticising, purely to express something he felt in his heart, regardless of what might be the consequences for himself.


5 From his writings shines forth a personality vivid and vigorous, playful or solemn, as the occasion may be, but always genuine, hearty, and true to himself. he wrote for no other reason than that he enjoyed writing, and today we enjoy his writing for no other reason than that he wrote so beautifully, generously, and out of the pristine innocence of his heart.


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站内强推带着空间穿七零,赚钱搞事样样行 被拒亲后,我变强了,也变态了 末世重生后,我获得了无限空间! 玄幻:杀猪百万头,我无敌世间 开局变身美少女,诡异竟是我自己 凌天诛神录 华夏容不下他了把他丢到国外去 追你时你不在意,我订婚你哭什么 傻驴驴驴驴驴驴驴驴 仙路九万万里 剑道第一魔 特摄:我,贪欲者,欲望成神! 七零:被矜贵又凶的军官叼回家了 港片:开局穿越洪兴大头 【快穿】欢迎来到手撕白莲炼狱 惊!高考三百分,被国家队特招 人生得意时须纵欢 美女总裁的最强高手 都市极乐后后宫 洛公子 
经典收藏疯批小师叔她五行缺德 和表姐同居的日子 让你契约鬼,你契约钟馗? 快穿:她不碰男人只碰钱 逼我下乡?科研军嫂搬空你全家 小塔仙缘 我同人作者,从斗罗开始掠夺诸天 猎艳北宋之阅尽群芳 我在遮天修道炼丹 全能系统上交后,我直接摆烂 我真的是卧底啊! 我在尊多贵世界赚钱养夫郎 从成龙历险记开始世界冒险 谍战只要我够苟,就没人怀疑我 全球高武之杀生得道 美漫:从成龙历险记开始 直播,宿主切身扮演美强惨 穿八零手撕渣男,白莲接盘悔惨了 掠夺诸天,从猪猪侠开始称王 快穿绑定生子系统,攻略绝嗣反派 
最近更新艾拉驾到 北门老枪 时光变迁我选择爱你 浪荡总裁的狠辣小娇娘 魔女入仙门卧底,就这个攻略爽! 查出绝症当天,渣夫在给白月光过生日 三阴之血 赎罪营:杀敌百万,我带女帝平天下 黛玉妈粉穿成薛宝钗后,她杀疯了 重生之我怎么又又重生了 真千金断亲后,侯府上下追悔莫及 穿越之我的太子相公 葬送的芙莉莲:永恒之旅 荒年恶妇开了挂,逆袭成全县首富 上神专管不平事 星际:人人都想拥有虫母 HP一个不顾读者死活的爱情故事 逆袭归来,少城主又美又飒 逆世仙途:林风 未来游戏:王者世界 
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