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第二百四十五章 活着

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(q1)who is your favourite celebrity in your country?


Although I usually do not pay attention to social news or other headlines, as far as I am concerned, the celebrity in the country who has had the most profound impact on me and moved me the most is a blogger. Although it was a few years ago, he bravely exposed the bad aspects of some of the Internet addiction schools at that time, bravely pointing out in the face of threats from many people that those schools were simply torturing children.


what kind of famous people do you often see in the news?


with the modernisation of information and entertainment in our society, nowadays it is not the celebrities or leaders who have done great things for the society that are most often seen in the news, it is the celebrities of all sorts. It's frustrating to be honest, because stars who aren't very good at acting are in the news at the drop of a hat.


do you pay attention to famous people in the news?


I don't really like to put all my attention on those celebrities, because most of the famous people nowadays are not great people, most of them are just speculators who try to get rich overnight by clamouring for attention, or those stars who have no power. they take up too much of the internet's information resources and give little good feedback.


do you believe that the news about famous people in the media is true?


In the past, I might have assumed that most of it was true, but lately, more and more celebrities have been trying to fabricate fake lawyer's letters or other documents to confuse the public, and by doing so, they are avoiding their share of responsibility. I would call this current phenomenon the distortion of information on the internet.


would you like to be a famous person in the news?


I don't want to be a celebrity who will often be recorded in the news, which means I won't have free time to myself and have to watch what I say and do all the time. Even though I've had great success, the influence and pressure of being a public figure is immense and I just want to be a normal person!



do you prefer to save money or spend money?


Saving and spending money are both pleasurable things to do, but most of the time I prefer to see something I like better, save for it, and then spend it when the amount reaches a standard! It's a satisfying feeling from the inside out, not only because you're getting what you want, but also because you're experiencing a sense of fulfilment as you gradually reach your goal.


how do you save money?


I've seen people online who take their entire salary out of their bank card and turn it into cash, and then put it into different bags to differentiate between the money they need to spend and the money they need to save. personally, all I need to do to save money is to transfer some of it from my wechat wallet to a card that I don't normally use.


what do you think about payment apps or mobile payments?


I think these apps and online money transfer transactions have made our daily lives much easier, in the past I always needed to take a wallet with me when I went out to avoid not being able to pay when I went out to spend money. this also means that if I forget to take cash with me when I go out, I'm probably not going to have a good time that day, but now all I need to do is to take my mobile phone with me and I'm good to go!


do you use a credit card to buy things?


I don't usually use credit cards because they are a form of overspending, and I've seen too many tragedies caused by people who overspent and couldn't pay back their debts, so they chose to take out a loan! their families are torn apart, and I don't think I have much self-control, so I probably wouldn't use a credit card if I didn't have to.


do you think cash will still be popular in the future?


I don't think cash will be popular in the future - after all, online payments are so convenient and practical that there's no need for the rest of us to reject them, except for some older people who aren't very good at using electronics. And in china, where online payments have permeated every aspect of life, we've long since bee accustomed to cashless transactions.



when did you start using social media?


I remember when I was a primary school student, tencent's qq was the most popular social media at that time, and I was helped by my aunt to register an account, and from then on began my online social journey. At that time, I didn't use this software very often, because at that time I thought flash games were obviously more interesting.


do you think you spend too much time on social media?


I don't think I spend too much time on social media, in fact in today's modern world, social media is an equally important means of socialising. this type of media links people from different parts of the world together to form virtual munities and bee good friends, which is a very rare thing.


do your friends use social media?


Yes, most of my friends are social media mavens and I met them on the internet and most of the time we municate through social media. the older generation might probably think this is a bit ridiculous and that our friendships are literally touch and go, but we enjoy it.


what do people often do on social media?

在我的印象中,人们最常在社交媒体上分享自己的生活,或者是一些他们找到的美图照片。当然在我最常使用的qq空间之中,我的朋友们经常和大家讲述自己的oc(owN chARActER),也就是他们的原创角色之间的故事。

As far as I can remember, people most often share their lives on social media, or some beautiful pictures they found. of course, in qq space, which I use most often, my friends often tell people about their ocs (owN chARActER), which is the story between their original characters.



do you often feel bored?


I don't get bored very often, and in today's society very few people do because we're almost never without our mobile phones, filling our brains with fragmented messages all the time. It's not good science-wise, but it's a habit.


when would you feel bored?


Although I hardly ever get bored, I might feel very bored when I'm home alone and all my work, gaming daily tasks are done. because not only does this mean that all my work is done, but it also means that gaming time is over for the day. I might read a book to pass the time.


what do you do when you feel bored?


when I'm actually bored I'll probably find some books to read, after all I'm a novelist on a regular basis and it never hurts me to read. maybe a lot of people think they should go out and find friends to hang out with probably a healthier approach to life, but I think reading a book is just right for me and there's no pressure to socialise.


do you think childhood is boring or adulthood is boring?


I don't think there is any need to pare the two, after all, the interests and perceptions that a person possesses at different ages are different, just like how most small children would find fishing to be a boring activity, but when many boys turn into middle-aged men they bee crazily obsessed with this activity. It is difficult to understand.

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